About me

Hello! Thank you for visiting my website – however you found your way to this odd destination.

My name is Janes Thomas. At this very moment I am 28 years old and I am employed by no one. I am enjoying my time off.

Previously I was employed by Dentsu, primarily the Merkle brand in the DACH region.

I work and live in Zurich Switzerland.

What do I do all day?

My job descriptions and responsibilities are as follows:

  • Working on various hobbies (August 2024 — September 2024)
    Spent the summer watching movies and working on a new daily routine. I familiarized myself with the concept of Kaizen.
  • A new place (September 2024 – future?)
    I can not share anything about this new opportunity yet.

What did I do before my current daily activities?

  • Software Engineer (August 2017 – September 2024) @ Merkle
    As a software engineer I worked on various projects maintaining and implementing new features on SAP Commerce and Adobe Experience Manager. These projects varied from major retail stores in Switzerland to smaller, local run businesses. I assisted in improving our client’s workflows to run more efficient and profitable businesses by implementing improvements into their existing systems.
  • Vocational Trainer (January 2019 – September 2024) @ Merkle
    Supporting the next generation to excel in our field has always been a passion of mine. To support the Swiss Vocational Education and Training system I closely worked with dentsu’s HR team to hire potential candidates. I managed a team of four trainees by setting up their education plans for four years, being the first person of contact for parents or schools and supporting them through their final exams.
  • Social Impact Officer @ dentsu (January 2024 – September 2024)
    In 2024 I was offered the opportunity to help dentsu implement their sustainability strategy in Switzerland. I engaged with stakeholders across departments to maximize our sustainability efforts on projects and helped provide training for employees to bring awareness to current social and environmental issues.

What kind of skills do I have?

My primary programming language is Java. I’ve worked with Spring, JavaFX, Selenium, SLF4J, Thymeleaf, Apache Commons, and probably a lot more things I have forgotten over time. I’m also very knowledgeable in React.js, Docker, SQL, PHP and Android development. Currently I am trying to gain more knowledge about Angular.

I was told that I am also very good at Microsoft Excel.